CP Digital Twin

digital twin for offshore and marine cp

BEASY CP Digital Twin combines robust and proven physics-based CP simulation with a user-friendly set of features to offer a comprehensive CP Digital Twin to provide deployable and actionable simulation insights. With digital twins, engineers can determine the ideal design before the asset goes into operation. Integrity engineers can react to anomalies based on the health management information and deep insights gained from the digital twin. It provides the information needed when there is insufficient inspection data to provide a clear view of the protection provided to the asset. Using the information from physics-based predictive analytics, engineers can identify actions that can affect positive operational changes.  

Engineers can use Digital Twin based predictive analytics to foresee if a change will help them reduce risks, improve operations, and/or reduce costs. At its heart, predictive analytics answers the question; “What is most likely to happen based on my current data, and what can I do to change that outcome?”

Typical Applications

Structural health monitoring through integration of inspection data and physics-based 3D simulations
Predict the protection provided to an asset
Determine the ideal design before an asset goes into operation
Evaluate the performance of design options
Review 3D visualisation of asset health and inspection data
Review trends and asset life predictions
Assess current health of the structure to predict and plan for future risks
Optimise inspection strategies based on Digital Twin predictions of future health
Interference assessment


Avoid high maintenance expenses due to complex inspection and maintenance workflows that require a significant amount of engineering judgement. BEASY CP Digital twin provides a physics-based data driven approach to provide actionable insights to optimize the use of engineering and maintenance resources for design and structural health management.

Next Generation Predictive Analysis

Improving the efficiency of planning, maintenance, and communication are the aims of any corrosion control system.  With BEASY CP Digital Twin, engineers are able to integrate corrosion data with a simulation model, allowing them to easily and systematically monitor the difference between the model predictions and system data, identify anomalies, and provide early identification of problems which will soon require attention.

Engineers can use these predictive analytics to foresee if a change will help them reduce risks, improve operations, and/or reduce costs. At its heart, predictive analytics answers the question, “What is most likely to happen based on my current data, and what can I do to change that outcome? ”Integrity engineers can react to anomalies based on the insights obtained from the digital twin, and make sure the structure remains polarised.

The Ultimate Solution for Structural Health Monitoring

BEASY CP Digital Twin combines robust and proven CP simulation with a user-friendly set of features to offer a comprehensive CP Digital Twin.

Using the information from physics based predictive analytics engineers can identify actions that can affect positive operational changes. Engineers can use Digital Twin based predictive analytics to foresee if a change will help them reduce risks, improve operations, and/or reduce costs. At its heart, predictive analytics answers the question, “What is most likely to happen based on my current data, and what can I do to change that outcome?”

•      CP Predictive Analytics
•      CP Data Visualisation & Management
•      Integrity Management
•      Risk Assessment
•      Design Optimisation
•      Interference Assessment

jacket structure digital twin for cathodic protection and corrosion
digital twin survey data

Bridging the gap between Prediction and Survey Data

By combining information received from survey data and other monitoring systems, BEASY CP Digital Twin enables engineers to create a 3D model of the asset, providing detailed and clear information over the life of the asset. This can provide insight into potential conflicts, resulting in fewer errors, and leading to profitable, safe, and sustainable operations.

Focused Information for Smarter Maintenance

With improved access to information, engineers are able to reduce hidden costs which in some instances can be up to a fifth of operational budgets.  

Whether the asset is an Oil & Gas offshore structure, offshore wind energy structure, transportation pipeline, pipeline booster station, or any other critical piece of equipment real-time health and performance insights can be used to influence decisions and actions that drive efficiencies and improve competitive advantage.

marine digital twin time stepping simulated by beasy

Elevate your expertise

BEASY offers a variety of training options: from comprehensive full courses, to webinars and tailored training program, our experts in corrosion and fracture ensure that you get the most out of BEASY's software.

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